What's that boat-shaped thing in my shop?
Finally! I have a boat-shaped thing sitting in my shop. Last night I mounted the sides onto the strongback (temporary frame to give the boat its form) and after weeks of working on flat panels, I now have nicely-shaped sides! I also got the stem and transom installed so it's getting to look like a boat. I was going to attach stem and transom with screws but discovered that a power nailer is much easier - a few well-placed galvanized nails later and I had me a boat!
Mounting the sides was a task I wouldn't want to try on my own. It was hard enough with Vern's help!
Prepping the bow.
Detailed view of the strongback.
The transom was a bit of a surprise. For whatever reason, the sides aren't the same length as the sides of the boat! No biggie as it gives me the opportunity to do some cool design with other wood back there...
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